
After multiple loads of turkey, stuffing, potatoes, pie and a whole lot more of the usual thanksgiving fare, I’ve had a lot of time to lounge around and think…. Specifically about just where I see this blog going. Obviously, it needs a bit of work still. But we’ve seen more improvement over the past few months than I could’ve ever hoped for!

Thanks to the addition of our magic music man, Dylan Sams, CultSchmult has rounded out significantly (in fact, check out his latest playlist of incredible songs that music-listeners everywhere can appreciate). Thank you Dylan: without you this blog would simply be a figment of my rather frivolous, and generally unfocused, imagination.

However, the evolution must continue! And for that to succeed, I will appeal to those I am most thankful for this year- our wonderful, loyal readers who have stuck with us throughout these rather rocky and inconsistent few months.

We need bloggers! While Dylan and I attempt to know everything there is to know about culture, there are facets that we could not even hope to cover. The point of this blog is OPINION, and I’m pretty sure no one wants to hear our same opinions over and over, again and again, without any variety. I’d even bore myself…

So if you, or someone you know, has anything to say (a bone to pick, an issue to push, a review or critique on something- anything!), fell free to send it in to our e-mail, cultureschmulture@yahoo.com. Politics, sports, movies, music, religion, education, your dog…. no topic is off limits! I ask only that you keep it appropriate and at a maximum of 600 or so words (although I am very lenient about that number, depending on the topic). The point of CultSchmult is to create discussions, open up the airways, and to get your voice heard.

Remember: who will listen to you if you’re too afraid to speak up?

Peace and joy over the holidays,

The Culture Schmulture Team